Main Road
Great Leighs
Highlights from our Online Church Services
Here are the recordings of the messages from previous services.
4th July - Simon Curran
June 27th - Ministry Team
June 20th - Father's Day
June 13th - Terry Tennens
June 6th - Glenda Griffin
30th May - Mission Aviation Fellowship - Richard Cecil
16th May - Jeff Ouwehand
Sunday 25th April - Cyril Bamforth
Sunday 11th April - Graham Walker
Easter Sunday - 4th April
28th March 2021 - Charles de Lacy
21st March 2021 - Simon Curran
14th March 2021 - Sarah Flatman
28th February 2021 - Alan Webb
21st February 2021 - Nick Lear
14th February 2021 - Keith Roddy
7th February 2021 - Andy Mugford
31st January 2021 - Glenda Griffin
24th January 2021 - John de Lacy
17th January 2021 - John Grayston
10th January 2021 - BMS World Mission
3rd January 2021 - Paul Gold
20th December - All Age Nativity - Full Service
13th December - Choir Service
6th December - Alan Webb
29th November - Nigel Bolitho
22nd November - Simon Curran
15th November - Rodney Sawtell
8th November - Remembrance Sunday
1st November - With Jeff Ouwehand
25th October - Bible Sunday
18th October - Harvest Festival Service - With Boys Brigade & Girls Brigade
11th October - With Andy Moore
4th October - With Vinjeru Trust & Andy Mugford
27th September - With Cliff & Jean Bradbury
20th September - With Charles de Lacy
13th September - With Chris Noble
6th September - With Tony Tween
30th August - With Geoff Green
23rd August - With Cyril Bamforth
Sunday 16th August - With Graham WalkerSunday
Sunday 9th August - With John de Lacy
Sunday 2nd August - With John Grayston
Sunday 26th July - With Glenda Griffin
Sunday 19th July - With Rodney Sawtell
Sunday 12th July - With Simon Curran
All Age Message - Parable of the Sower
Extract from our service including the main message
Sunday 5th July - With Paul Gold
Sunday 28th June - With Graham Walker
Extract from our service - including the main message
All Age Message - Graham Walker
Sunday 21st June - With Nick Lear
Message from Boys Brigade & Girls Brigade Parade Service
Theme: Worry
All age message - 7th June (Mr Potato Head)
Clips from our Service 10th May - (Sunday School Anniversary)
Junior Band - Virtual Performance During Lockdown
3rd May 2020 - Nigel Bolitho
19th April - Abbie Green - All Age Talk
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